
Organizational Risks

Accidents are hard to avoid when dealing with complex systems such as AI. Without building a culture of safety, it is likely that there will be accidents in AI development and deployment. Some of these could prove catastrophic.

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Review Questions

What are two examples that show catastrophic accidents can happen even without competitive pressures or malicious intent?


The Challenger space shuttle disaster was caused by organizational negligence, not competition. Chernobyl happened due to poor safety protocols and an inadequately prepared crew.

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How can a questioning attitude help to reduce risks from complex systems like AIs?


Encouraging people to continuously question assumptions and current conditions can help identify discrepancies early that might otherwise lead to errors or inappropriate system behavior.

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What is an example characteristic of a High Reliability Organization (HRO) that could be beneficial for AI developers?


HROs practice surprise management to develop effective responses to unexpected situations, which could help AI developers address unanticipated AI failures.

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