
Systemic Safety

Safety research is not just about individual AI systems, but also their interaction with the rest of the world. AI research can help to address real-world risks that may be exacerbated by AI progress, such as cyber-attacks or engineered pandemics.

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Review Questions

What are some examples of ways that systemic safety could help to reduce risks from AI?


Application of AI to reduce threats from AI-fuelled pandemics, cyber-attacks or disinformation could mitigate the probability or severity of harms that these might cause.

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How could AI exacerbate the threat of cyber-attacks?


AI could lower the barrier to launching cyber-attacks, thereby increasing the number of people engaging in hacking. It could also identify ways to increase the success rate or severity of attacks, increasing their impact.

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What are ways we might apply AI to improve forecasts?


AI could help with aggregating information from a range of sources and integrating this to make more accurate predictions. It could also prompt forecasters to consider relevant questions, risks and other factors they might have overlooked otherwise, improving their judgement.

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